So here in the District. It's a lovely 13 degrees...whomp whomp. I of course stayed indoors and procrastinated on packing for mine and husband's move to our new condo. But of course, cold weather makes me want to shop so I spent hours today staring at Pintrest and shopping online for furniture and getting inspiration on how should I style my life in 2014. Also, I have been struggling a lot in both my professional and personal life. From my health to my job, I've been in a funk these last few months and I thought blogging again (I tried once when I was still in college-didn't go to well) would help me get out of my funk.
Anyways, since it is award season (my favorite time of year), the Grammys were last Sunday and here are my top 4 for best and worst dressed.
Best Dressed:
Arianna Grande- now, I am kind of getting tired of her always doing this time of silhouette and hairstyle, but she knows what works for her. I guess this is considered her signature style- she just needs to stop treating the red carpet like its her prom
Guilana Rancic- Now I may be a little bias because I just love and admire her so much. But I love this color on her. She always has a way of being sexy and feminine at the same time
Pink- I don't know if Willow has changed her outlook on her personal style, but I just love it when Pink dresses this way. You can still tell she can kick your ass if she wanted to, but she is becoming more girly and I think it suits her
Taylor Swift- well as annoying as she is, she knows what works for her. She's able to rock a sheath dress and she always looks good in metallics.

Worst Dressed:
Cyndi Lauper-ok, I understand that this is her "signature" but I mean come on Cyndi, can't you lose the cape- you're 60 years old already, You still can rock your own style but not over do it. Its not the 80s anymore.
Sara Barielles-Now, I don't HATE this, but this high low hem is too drastic, it either should've been a cocktail dress for a floor length dress. It kind of reminds me of a dress that Ginner Goodwin wore as Snow White in Once Upon A time- also I'll give her credit for wanting to add a pop of color with the all white, but I don't think she should've been too matchy matchy with her clutch and shoes.
Tia Carrere-What is with the jacket!? It just ruins it. I know the Grammys are a little more casual but then she shouldn't have worn the dress.
Zendaya-I know she's what 18? But come on... it's just wrong on so many levels. I just feel like she's trying too hard to break her disney image